What's Next game
Untangling life with every step...
An app alternative to laminated picture cards!
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What's Next for iPhone


What's Next for Android


Create your own, download & use or download & personalise sequences...

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What's Next for iPhone


What's Next for Android


Use the app to create personalised…

Untangle patient journeys A patient journey illustrates the steps involved in a hospital treatment. The Services for Children with Autism team at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital believe that children with autism are able to access treatment more effectively if they have a personalised planned patient journey for their treatment that is created before the day of the treatment. Acognia are in discussion with the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to enable the Hospital to use the ActiVise What’s Next app to create ready made patient journeys that can be downloaded onto the patient’s iPhone or Android phone and personalised specifically for that individual. Patients will be able to follow and amend, if necessary, the patient journey on their iPhone or Android phone in real time whilst receiving their treatment.

The Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital are passionate about improving access to treatment for patients with autism and their families. Please continue to monitor developments on this section of the Acognia website for updates on our progress in using the ActiVise What’s Next app to create electronic personalised patient journeys.


Untangle independent living...
Looking for a discreet helping hand to remember those essential everyday tasks. Create your own independent living sequences using your own pictures or photos taken on your camera and edit by adding personalised text.