Alphabet Letters & Sounds 1

Alphabet Letters & Sounds 1



The Alphabet Letters & Sounds 1 Module has been designed as an introduction to the letters of the alphabet.  This module includes lowercase and uppercase letters with concrete and unambiguous pictures with initial letters for each letter of the alphabet.  


This module is based on a set of 'Alphabet Letter & Sounds' cards published by Crossbow Education limited.  In addition, the font used within this module has been creted by Crossbow Education and is called 'Anne's font'.  The set of cards and the font can be purchased separately from Crossbow Education.


The letters within this module are coloured blue and red to correspond with the colours used on the 'Alphabet Letters & Sounds' cards.  Consonants are blue, vowels are red and 'y' is red and blue stripped to represent the fact that a 'y' can be used as a consonant or a vowel.  The pictures that are used on the 'Alphabet Letter & Sounds cards are used within the module.  Crossbow Education have selected the pictures for their strong initial letter sound to represent the letter.



Crossbow Education    Alphabet Letters & Sounds      

The Alphabet Letters & Sounds 1 Module contains the following 10 topics.  Below, 3 of the topics are shown in 3 of the games; in the software, they can be played in all 6 games.






There are 10 topics in this module:


Topic 1:  Lowercase Letters Matching corresponding lowercase letters (shown above)


Topic 2:  Lowercase & Uppercase Letters Matching lowercase and uppercase letters


Topic 3:  Lowercase Words & Pictures 1 Matching letters with words & pictures (shown above)


Topic 4:  Lowercase Words & Pictures 2 Matching words & pictures with letters


Topic 5:  Lowercase Words & Pictures 3 Matching letters with words & pictures and visa versa


Topic 6:  Lowercase Letters and Pictures 1 Matching letters with pictrues


Topic 7:  Lowercase Letters and Pictures 2 Matching pictures wtih letters (shown above)


Topic 8:  Lowercase Letters and Pictures 3 Matching pictures with letters & visa versa


Topic 9:  Upper & Lower with Pictures 1 Matching upper & lowercase letters with pictures


Topic 10:  Upper & Lower with Pictures 2 Matching upper & lowercase letters with pictures


Price: £2.00
Ex Tax: £1.67