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ActiVise Q&A Modules

Download modules with ‘ready to go’ questions and answers


For foundation, primary and secondary learners…

In addition to the user writing their own questions and answers. They may benefit from downloading these modules.  ActiVise Q&A Modules allow users to download groups of topics that contain pre-written questions and answers in words or pictures.  Modules can contain up to 10 topics with a maximum of 25 questions and answers in each topic.  The modules are written in popular topics by verified content writers to ensure the quality of the content.

Modules are purchased from the Acognia website and then downloaded into the Add-ins Manager in the Admin section of the ActiVise Q&A Software.

The topics in the modules can be played in any of the six games.  Some of the questions and answers from the modules can be seen below:


It works like this...

Modules Information

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